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 [SQL Codes] Usefull Codes for Ep2!

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Mensajes : 53
Puntos : 168
Fecha de inscripciĆ³n : 2013-01-15

[SQL Codes] Usefull Codes for Ep2! Empty
PostSubject: [SQL Codes] Usefull Codes for Ep2!   [SQL Codes] Usefull Codes for Ep2! EmptyMon Dec 23, 2013 8:08 pm

Exp Rate: UPDATE t_npc SET a_exp = a_exp * 1;

Skillpoint Rate: UPDATE t_npc SET a_skill_point = a_skill_point * 1;

Gold Drop Rate: UPDATE t_npc SET a_prize = a_prize * 1;

Item Drop Rate:

UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_0 = a_item_percent_0 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_1 = a_item_percent_1 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_2 = a_item_percent_2 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_3 = a_item_percent_3 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_4 = a_item_percent_4 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_5 = a_item_percent_5 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_6 = a_item_percent_6 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_7 = a_item_percent_7 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_8 = a_item_percent_8 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_9 = a_item_percent_9 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_10 = a_item_percent_10 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_11 = a_item_percent_11 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_12 = a_item_percent_12 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_13 = a_item_percent_13 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_14 = a_item_percent_14 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_15 = a_item_percent_15 * 1
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_16 = a_item_percent_16 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_17 = a_item_percent_17 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_18 = a_item_percent_18 * 1;
UPDATE t_npc SET a_item_percent_19 = a_item_percent_19 * 1;

Enable all Npc & Monster: UPDATE t_npc SET a_enable = 1;

Enable all Events: UPDATE t_eventsettings SET a_enable = 1;

Enable all Pet Quest: UPDATE t_quest_pet SET a_enable = 1;

Enable all P2-Pet: UPDATE t_bigpet SET a_enable = 1;

Enable all Quest: UPDATE t_quest SET a_enable = 1;

Enable all Item: UPDATE t_item SET a_enable = 1;

Enable all Affinity System:

UPDATE t_affinity SET a_enable = 1;
UPDATE t_affinity_work SET a_enable = 1;
UPDATE t_affinity_npc SET a_enable = 1;

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[SQL Codes] Usefull Codes for Ep2!
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